The life purpose of John the Baptist was to "prepare the way for the LORD's coming. Clear the road for Him." (Matt. 3:3) If Jesus needed a forerunner to go ahead of Him, how much more do we need to 'prepare the way' for souls brought into His kingdom.
So when Matthew 3:2 says to "repent", and "turn to God, for the kingdom of Heaven is near," I cannot help but think of souls waiting to be saved, ripe for harvest, here, in our own neighborhoods. The Kingdom of Heaven is near, even at our fingertips, but the fog of our own lives can cause us to miss or even hinder it. I don't want to be distracted from my true purpose. . . telling others of Jesus.
My heart has a burning desire to tell children of Jesus. Yet in that desire we can so easily rely on a program, the curriculum, or our own strengths. I'm being made aware more and more that we are engaged in a battle. We must fight! And to prepare the way for God's Spirit to work in hearts, we must be in prayer and know our Scriptures. How can we wage war without our weapons?
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony." Rev.12:11 |
I pray for the soil to be worked up and softened...the soil of hearts prepared. If that means a restless heart or a heart at the end of itself, this is a good thing. Those hard clods are getting sliced through into tiny particles so that the seed of the Word will fall on tender ground.
How can He come when we make no effort to clear the road for Him?
I know, He is not limited by our preparation, but at the same time, it seems that sometimes our efforts are spent on the wrong thing, anything and everything but prayer. One plants, another waters, but God produces life by His Spirit. If it is from God, why do we act like it is from us? Yet, is there a harvest waiting . . . rotting away, because we are not preparing the way for the Lord?
A song we sang last Sunday strengthened my heart, and continues to weave its message through me.
King of heaven rise up
Who can stand against us
You are strong to save
In Your mighty name
King of Heaven come.
We are children of Your mercy
Rescued for Your glory
We cry, 'Jesus, set our hearts towards You'
That every eye would see You lifted high.
(by Paul Baloche)
I long for God's kingdom to come. We have a youth retreat coming up in less than two weeks. Would you pray for us, that the way would be prepared for God's Word to sink deep?
And every Tues., Wed., and Thurs. afternoon, all across this valley, various individuals are teaching the Bible in the public schools. Would you pray with me, that the road would be clear for God's Spirit to work mightily among us? We need your prayers. Together we are a living organism, a mighty army . . . the church of God. Pray for the Word to take root, to really grab hold, to grow strong.
Standing together, patient in prayer.
Thank you!