Wednesday, January 9, 2013


It was the worst of mornings to oversleep.  We had combined a youth event, a family visit, a birthday party, and a sending of my daughter back to college, all in one trip.  And I had overslept, therefore missing my alone time with God.  The morning was a flurry of packing, loading, squishing, and checking off of lists.  But at last we were rolling down the road. 

The van was full of busy teenagers, and both my youngest daughter and I were scrunched with the luggage in the back corner.  After some 60 miles of the 'name that animal' guessing game, I pulled out my Bible and notebook to have my long awaited "quiet" time with God.  The speakers were right behind us, pouring out music while the teenagers were jabbering full throttle.  As we rounded certain curves, the luggage would slide over onto us and I would have to push it back to its place.  All that to say my "quiet" time was not exactly quiet or free of distractions.   

Yet, God is faithful and always shows up in the unexpected.  It may seem the worst of times to us, but is just the right time.  I was reminded of Mary, the mother of Jesus, traveling to Bethlehem at the worst of times.  Conditions were far from perfect, but it was the fullness of time and God showed up.  I'm so glad I didn't wait for ideal surroundings to open the Scriptures, because I may have missed the glorious message He had waiting for me there.

As I read from Zechariah 8, the words washed over me in great encouragement.  There the context is referring to Jerusalem after her time of captivity in Babylon.  I had just posted that morning about my year of drought and now heard God speaking to me.  He would not deal with me as he had in the past.  Instead, "the seed will grow well, the vine will yield its fruit, the ground will produce its crops, and the heavens will drop their dew." (Zech. 8:11-12) Wow!  How I long for heaven's dew!  I may not have seen any results over the last year, but the seed is in the ground and it will grow.  God is working and at just the right time He will bring it to light.  

The chapter goes on to say that "[God] will save you, and you will be a blessing.  Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong." (Zech. 8:13)  Just as the returned exiles were to be strong and finish the task of building the temple, so I need to finish what God has asked of me.   I need not be afraid because "God is with me."  (Zech. 8:23)

Sometimes we feel so alone, but when we least expect it, God comes to our aid, reminding us that He is still there.  God's comfort to my heart through His Word was my first surprise.  But He had yet another surprise waiting for me.

My daughter was to arrive in Ohio at midnight but then had a nine hour wait before the first shuttle could take her to the school.  I was concerned about her spending the entire night alone in an airport.  We believe in the power of prayer and were okay with it.  But secretly, I wasn't very comfortable with the idea.

Right before she got on the plane to leave Denver, we received a text.  Her friend had been able to borrow a car to come pick her up as soon as she arrived in Ohio.  There would be no wait through the night at the airport.  Surprise number two.  God was looking out for her and for us.  He didn't have to provide the ride, but He did, at just the right time.

If we seek Him, we find Him.  God is all around us and entwined in the circumstances of our lives.  We can miss Him if we are not looking, but He is there, none the less.  Praise be to our faithful God!  

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