Thursday, September 29, 2011


Dut!  dut!  dut!  dut!

Voices shout out the rhythm. . .
Enter-- the drum line, heartbeat of the Tiger Pride Marching Band, their 100 members an intimidating force, one to be reckoned with.

They perform outside for a reason . . .
But once a year, venture indoors, producing a sensational thrill of exhilaration like none other. This was my recent experience as my daughter led the flute section down the aisle of the auditorium, followed by trumpets, tubas, mellophones and the like.

The audience was caught up. . .
in surround sound as the band flooded the aisles with waves of glorious splendor.  Awakening!  the title of their show, found no one sleeping in that place!  All band members followed in sync with the forceful, aggressive, heartbeat within their ranks. Student led, the band teacher purposefully slips into the background . . . unseen, as the band implements his carefully laid out plans.

What a picture of the body of believers, the Church. . .
brought to life by the heartbeat of the Spirit of God pulsing through our veins. Awakening!  God has written and arranged the piece, yet He Himself slips into the background as His Church carries out His marching orders. A mighty force, she carries out His purpose on earth.  Made up of many entities, each playing their part, the whole incomplete without all the parts.

What chaos would abound. . .
if each went off on their own agenda, each seeking their own limelight . . . no, that would be disastrous, for both the band and the Church.  Together, in unity, the members are an awesome force, having great impact on the world. God is building His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against her. (Matt. 16:18)  The Church is a power to be reckoned with, because our leader stands behind us.

So often the Church gets knocked down. . .
blamed for everything, accused by the world and slapped in the face by its own members.  But Christ loves the Church as His own body, laying down his life for her.  She is His bride. . .the apple of His eye.  Those who criticize the Church would tread on dangerous ground,  for it is through her, that God is accomplishing his purposes on earth.

I think of what brought the band to this place. . .
hours. . .days. . .even weeks of practice before school began.  And the Church, she too learns her sets in the privacy of the practice field, laboring in prayer and study of the Scriptures, before she enters the public eye.  In the quiet place, at the feet of Jesus, the plan is embedded in our hearts. Without time in His presence we would not know how to step or blow our horn.

The band endures strict scrutiny of judges. . .
checking for utmost excellence.  The Church also must stand before its accusers, no escape from pending doom since we are made up of humans with faults. But because of the blood of Jesus which covers all our sin, we are presented before our righteous judge, God Himself, as a glorious Church, without spot or wrinkle, coming out of heaven as a bride beautifully dressed for her groom . . .

the Church triumphant!

(Eph. 5:27 and Rev. 21:2)

1 comment:

  1. Love the image of the body of Christ so coordinated and powerful! And the chaos that ensues when we do our own thing. Glad to read something from you ... again. :)
