Wednesday, November 19, 2014

To Care

I have some friends going through a difficult season, a family losing a grandfather and dad.  My conscience was pricked when I forgot to ask, worse yet, forgot to pray.  I've been so engrossed in my own life that, dare I say it, I failed to care.  But it has given me some perspective on my own trials. 

The countdown to Thanksgiving paired with an important anniversary party for my in-laws, has caused me to be worried about what to eat and what to wear.  Trivial things.  Furthermore, I just made a big deal out of traveling across the country alone.  It seems silly now, why I was so afraid to do that.  Childish really.  If my trials are no deeper than that, then what do I know of suffering? 

Years ago at this time I was going through an almost identical struggle as my friend.  Except not.  My mother was dying, yet, she knew the Lord.  However, my friends' grandfather and dad does not know the Lord.  Huge difference.  How much greater their struggle, and how devastating!  I cannot imagine the pain they must be experiencing, nor the urgency of their prayers. 

God knows we need food and clothing, yet, we are not to pursue them.  Instead, we seek His kingdom and He promises to provide for our daily needs.  The culture is obsessed with 'touch not, taste not' in regard to food.  Fads abound.  Furthermore, the world's self-image is guarded and exalted by their brand name clothing.  It all seems so trivial, yet, how easy I fall into this trap and lose the right focus. 

In reality, God has recently showered His gifts upon me, providing for my daily needs, showing me that I need not worry about such things.   A freezer full of plump Oregon blueberries, hand picked by my sister, a salmon caught right out of the river, caught by my brother, boxes of apples given by a neighbor, a car given by my Dad, and so much more.  When God provides, He reaches over the top, beyond what I could ever ask or think!  

Yet, when I look at the seriousness of my friends' plight, I am humbled.   This season of pain in their lives runs far deeper than food or clothing.  It is time for me to get on my knees and be about kingdom work:  intercede for the lost, care for the hurting, and live God's great salvation, sharing it wherever I go.  

Compassion is not my strong point.  But just because my gifts lie in other areas, does not mean I should not practice empathy.  I am currently teaching a unit to a class of students on how Jesus cares for people.  It is convicting to say the least.  My desire is to be like Jesus and get my eyes off my own frivolities and truly care about others. 

"Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."  Matt. 6:25 and 33

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