Friday, June 20, 2014

Wind from Heaven

We prayed for a nice day, and it seemed our prayers were answered.  Not until the bride began her walk down the aisle, did the wind start its rustling through the leaves. 


The imagery fairly took my breath away.  My thoughts were swept away to Christ and His people, the bride of Christ, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, the breath of heaven.  It was beautiful. 

Just the week before I was reminded of the same imagery, only in a different form.  My daughter was playing in a band of over one hundred members.  The conductor raised his baton and then all at once, a breath.  The audience was hushed by its expectation and power. 

I'm reminded that without the breath there would be no music.  And that wherever the bride goes, there is this wind of the Holy Spirit.  We are washed in the blood of the Lamb, forgiven, made white as a bride adorned for her husband. 

Who gives this woman in marriage to this man? 

God the Father presents the church to Christ, our Bridegroom, as His own precious one.  This relationship is sacred, personal, and exclusive.  For that reason, I am almost afraid to write about it, for its intimacy. 

Yet, I cannot get over the wonder of relationship with my Savior.  I long for the day when He returns and calls me to Himself where I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

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