Friday, October 4, 2013

Fall Speaks

Welcome October!  You are my favorite month of the year.  Wednesday of this week I went out to enjoy your splendor.

Your color takes just a few short weeks to peak, sometimes only days. Transition is swift.
Yet, some are hesitant to yield their color, 

. . . in denial that the season is changing.
But branches must lose their leaves if they are to bear the weight of winter's fury.

There is another fury coming, the judgement of God upon the earth.  The landscape of this world will most assuredly be changed as one third of the trees and all the grass will be burned up.  One third of the water in the sea turned to blood, one third of all living sea creatures dead, and one third of the ships destroyed.  The sun, moon, and stars darkened . . . a terrifying day for those still living on the earth. (Rev. 8:7-12)

Though we do not know the day or the hour of Christ's return to earth, we certainly know the season and that season is now.  The leaves are turning, shouting urgent, "Be ready!" 

We've been gathering wood to fight the cold months ahead.  Our lean to is stuffed full, yet still, there is a call to gather more.

Like souls brought into the fold of God . . . surrendered. . .
ready to be spent up for Him.

Our hearts yearn for second Christmas, that advent of the Lord, but it will not be the same as the first.  The Lamb will return as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and every eye will see Him.

Noah was given a rainbow.  (Gen. 9:11-17) Though we see it from below, God sees it from above . . . a reminder to never destroy the earth again with a world wide flood.  I wonder if God often needs this reminder, for surely, the wickedness of our times is a stench to Him.   

Fall speaks.  Winter's fury is coming.  It is certain.  Nothing will stop it from coming.  Yet, there is an escape.  The blood of Jesus is sufficient payment . . . for the one who puts their faith in Him . . . becomes the child of promise.  

His righteousness causes me to stand tall in grace.

The aspens are the world's largest single living organism.  Their roots send off shoots underground for new saplings . . . all one plant.  Likewise, I am part of a living organism called the Church.  (Rev. 5:10)  Together, we grow as a bride, beautifully adorned for her groom. (Eph. 5:25-27)

The health of one tree is dependent on the health of the entire plant.


We need each other.

A day is coming when God will destroy the earth with fire. (Rev. 18:8) Yet, every breath we take is another display of God's mercy.  In that breath He gives us another chance to choose surrender to Him.

Those who know Him, will be transported to the throne room of heaven where we will see the "train of His robe fill the temple" with glory!  (Isa. 6:1; Rev. 21:1-7)  But this, only in the foreground of the cross.  It is because He suffered and died, that I will have eyes to see and knees to bow. (Rev. 5:9)

Winter is coming.  Choose this day who you will serve. 

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  (Josh. 24:15)

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