1 Peter 3:11 calls us to "seek peace and pursue it." I know Satan's greatest weapon is division among believers. He takes great delight in our squabbles and misunderstandings because it causes us to lose our focus. Therefore, in pursuit of peace, I have rewritten my former post, On Becoming a Woman Part 4. I do not apologize for its content because I believe it to be accurate to Scripture. The Word of God cannot be compromised, even though it does offend. But I am sorry for the confusing manner in which I wrote it, resulting in hurt and division.
I firmly believe that in every criticism there is an element of truth. Yet, so often my pride defends itself and is not willing to weed through the hurt and muck to find the nugget of truth. But "faithful are the wounds of a friend." (Prov. 27:6) A true friend does not flatter, but rather speaks honestly and cares enough to be involved in our messes. If that is you, thank you.
I'm beginning to see the reason for my recent trials. God is using them to work humility into my life. I do not want to be proud because "God resists the proud." (1 Pet. 5:5) What a forlorn place to be! I long, instead, for God's grace which is poured out on the humble. This shade of grace is become clear to me now. Not that it was absent before. I have been through deep valleys in the past and known God's presence that upholds so firmly. But I'm not sure I could fully see this aspect, that the face of humility shines grace in its brightest hue . . . if I'm willing to accept it. And only in acceptance am I able to see it.
I just returned from a camping trip in the Colorado mountains with my in-laws. There God gave me pictures through creation of His work in my life. The book of 1 Peter begins with a prayer, "grace and peace be yours in abundance." (1 Pet. 1:2)
I certainly know God's grace and peace in my life, but this post is my pursuit of the same with you,
that we might be one in Christ Jesus.
Very beautiful pictures depicting peace. Thanks for sharing. Blossom