Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Appointed Part 1

Words can scarcely describe the working of God's Spirit in a life.  Over the last week, I have witnessed what I am calling a mini-revival, not only in my own heart, but in the hearts of the women of my church.  I have been meaning to write of it, but my spirit is hushed, in awe of God's majesty . . . in wonder of His intimate grace.

My heart is full but I have purposely delayed writing because I am still seeking to process the moving of God's Spirit.  I don't know how to describe it in words, but I've decided to try.

A week ago yesterday, I awoke to an ordinary Monday.  First, an early morning run, making lunches, kids off to school, and an hour of writing accomplished.  Then, as I had the house all to myself, it was face down on the floor in prayer.  I did not know that while I was on the floor, I was being discussed at the church office and appointed to speak for our women's retreat.

The original speaker had to cancel due to sickness, and so I had three days to prepare.  Within those three days I had a Bible club to teach and an all day appointment with a friend.  That left me with one day.  But in that one day, God directed me to the message I was to deliver.  Never before has a talk come together so quickly for me.

But I need to back up.  I was originally not even planning to attend the women's retreat.  I had three really good reasons to stay home and had made my decision.  But as the time neared, I was beginning to feel drawn to it, like, maybe I should go.  Not that I wanted to, just that I should.

Meanwhile, I received a call from the office with an assignment:  to pray over and encourage each woman at the retreat with a blessing.  Though I was afraid, it swayed me to go and I agreed to the task.   A few days later I received another call, not to be a Titus woman, but to deliver a message, as mentioned above.

Let's just say I felt very appointed.  I didn't know why, but for some reason God wanted me there.  Somehow I ended up in front of these ladies when I had not planned to be there at all. 

However, God knew, and though I was not aware of it, He had been preparing me for this assignment.  Be looking for another post, soon to follow, where I will share more on that.

Another reason I have delayed writing is because I fear pride.  I know that pride can bring the delicate work of the Spirit to a crashing halt and I don't want it to stop.  We are to "enter our closet and pray in secret." (Matt. 6:6) I only speak of myself in this way because I want you to know that prayer is the direct source of where God begins His work in our lives.  It is never our own ambitions, creative ideas, or careful planning. 

I would like to end this post with the same hushed awe at which I started.  I sense that I was being carried along by the Holy Spirit.  He was leading and I was being swept up in that lead.  There have been a few times in my life where this has happened to me.  This is one of those times, and as a result, weeping remains close to the surface. 



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