Monday, July 8, 2013

Divine Appointments

July 4th marks mid-summer for my neck of the woods. 

About this time, I yearn for schedule.  Oh for that walk to school every day in the early morning light!   There is a strange sort of comfort in routine.   I tell myself every May that it won't happen.  We will stay on schedule and keep brushed up on our school work.  But in reality, the idea always falls through.

I like to think that I have a say in what happens in my life, but "many are the plans of a man's heart, but the Lord directs His steps." (Prov. 16:9)  Sure, there is sowing and reaping.  Yet, we do not know what a day will bring.

My idea of a 'lazy summer day' is but a vapor.  The closest I've come to it is drawing faces on my daughter's toes waiting for swim lessons to start.

I'm reminded that God never takes a vacation from shaping us into His image, but rather continues steadfast and persistent in our personal growth and impact on those around us.  

My husband and I have had some contacts lately that we did not plan. We did not know that the death of our neighbor would lead to so many 'across the driveway' conversations with her relatives.  Nor did we plan to be praying with them around our dining room table arranging a memorial service.  

The alley was not where I expected to gain a friend.   Every time I run into 'the cat lady', we call her, I am at my worst.  She seems most comfortable when I am most vulnerable . . . hair disheveled, wearing clothes of which I'd never wear in public, and delivering weeds to the dumpster.  There we talk.  And each encounter shortens the distance between hearts.   All these things sound very random, but to God they are ordained . . . divine appointments.   They have always been part of His plan.

Yet these encounters with people are not the only agenda God planned for my summer.  He also prepared some tailor made trials.  These too are ordained, set in my path for personal growth.   They are not what I would have chosen, but what God knows I need.  When I see these circumstances as prepared by God, it gives me a better perspective and helps me respond with more grace.  These troubles are called "light and momentary", because they "are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."  (2 Cor. 4:17)

I'm about to embark on an inner city ministry with our youth group.  I had planned to stay home and chill with my family.  I had hoped to complete a writing project.  But God has overridden my plans and here I am, fulfilling His agenda.  This gets me excited because when God so obviously ordains my schedule I know He has a great work in mind for surely, "His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts higher than my thoughts."  (Isa. 55:9)  Though the summer is not turning out how I'd planned, I know the One who has all things in control, even the details of my life.

And God can be trusted, for He is good and His love endures forever.  

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